The feature allows for seamless save file transfer between PC and the portable Steam Deck device. “We anticipate that users will frequently suspend their Steam Deck without exiting the game, as is common with other hand-held gaming devices,” reads a post about the feature. It means players won’t need to exit the game on one device to play on the other. Steam will also automatically download save data changes when players wake up their device to use their Steam Deck. “Taking advantage of this feature isn’t a requirement for players to enjoy your game on Steam Deck, but we recommend you use it to give players the best experience possible,” reads the post. “Without Dynamic Cloud Sync enabled, Steam will still track when save game data is changed on the Steam Deck. However, any user who suspends their Deck while your game is running and then tries to resume that game on a different device, will be prompted to first return to their Deck to close the running process or continue without their most recent save game progress.” For developers, the feature needs to be enabled in Steamworks: the post details instructions to do this. Valve has also confirmed that anti-cheat software Easy Anti-Cheat will be supported on the Steam Deck. The device is still on track for a February release, with its first batch of games given a compatibility rating.