For the unaware (most of us), Accolades could be awarded to fellow players in online games to commend their gameplay - teammates and opponents alike could be welcoming, helpful and more. But according to an addition on the PlayStation website, the feature is being removed. Watch on YouTube Eurogamer Newscast: What do Rockstar’s changes really mean for GTA6 and the games industry? “In fall of 2022, the Accolades feature on PlayStation 5 will no longer be supported,” reads the website. “The feature hasn’t seen the level of usage we anticipated, so we are refocusing our efforts. We encourage the community to continue to send positive messages to one another.” Sony included a number of user interface features with the PS5 - not just Accolades, but Cards to show suggested activities, in-game guides, and the ability to jump to specific parts of a game. But some have found these features to be unnecessary and barely used. It seems that’s certainly the case with Accolades - a feature surely aimed at reducing toxicity in online games. Will any other PS5 feature be discontinued? Sony is still facing stock shortages of its latest console, meaning sales have flattened despite promised acceleration.