Minute of Islands charts the adventures of a young engineer named Mo as she journeys across a procession of beautifully distinct islands, meeting new characters and uncovering forgotten secrets in an attempt to save her archipelago home from a disaster of ancient origins. Eurogamer’s Christian Donlan was thoroughly charmed by Minute of Islands’ early moments when he took the Steam Game Festival demo for a spin last month, calling it a “neat blend of exploration, traversal and puzzle solving”, both fascinating and disquieting. However, those looking forward to its release will now need a little more patience while Studio Fizbin works to address some “major technical issues” discovered during recent testing. “We can’t wait to see our game out in the wild”, the developer said in a statement announcing the delay, “but we want to ensure that everyone can enjoy it in the best possible condition…While we very much regret having to push Minute of Islands’ release date, we are convinced that the extra time invested is in the players’ best interest.” There’s no revised date for Minute of Islands’ launch just yet, but it’ll be making its way to PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Switch when the time is finally right.