The player, Luca Leone, regularly streamed the game using cheats on his Twitch channel miffysworld, for which Bungie repeatedly banned him. Leone created 13 separate accounts in an attempt to evade bans, with each account violating the game’s Limited Software License Agreement. Leone sent threatening messages from his Twitter account, about his desire to “burn down” Bungie’s offices and declaring certain Bungie employees were “not safe” as he intended to move to their neighbourhood - including community manager Dylan Gafner. Further, the lawsuit alleges that Leone is an active member of OGUsers, a hacking and selling forum where he sells non-transferrable Destiny 2 emblems and other social media accounts. “As Bungie has demonstrated repeatedly, it will not allow its game, its community, or its employees to be abused, defrauded, or threatened. Leone has done all three, and this action is the consequence,” reads the lawsuit. “It would be a vast understatement to merely describe Leone as a serial ban evader and cheater,” it continues, before listing each new account and subsequent ban. Leone tweeted an image of Gafner’s employee badge, responded that he’d be moving to a place “30 minutes away from dmg [Gafner]”, and then replied “he is not safe”. Other tweets include threatening arson, warning Bungie to “keep [its] doors locked”, and other harassment of community managers. The lawsuit also details his boasting of ban evasions and his emblem sales, as well as Bungie’s methodology of identifying Leone through his various accounts. Bungie is seeking considerable damages for each instance of copyright infringement and use of cheating software. The lawsuit follows on from others from Bungie recently. Bungie recently sued the perpetrator behind fake Destiny 2 DMCA takedowns for $7.7m

Before that, the company successfully won $13.5m from a group of Destiny 2 cheaters.