Maggie first entered the realm of Apex Legends lore a little over a year ago today, as part of Season 8 newcomer Walter ‘Fuse’ Fitzroy’s Stories from the Outlands animated introduction. Here, players saw the demolitions expert spending some quality time with Maggie, his childhood friend, until the pair had a disagreement that left him missing an arm. Following that video’s explosive conclusion, Mags has popped up a few more times in Apex Legends, with one memorable appearance seeing her wreaking some serious mass destruction on King’s Canyon. And now, having been tried for her crimes in the newest Stories from the Outlands animated short, she’s officially part of the Apex Games crew. As for what else Season 12, titled Defiance, may bring, Respawn is keeping its cards relatively close to its chest ahead of a full season launch trailer this Thursday, 27th January. However, the developer is already teasing Control, a new 9v9 limited-time mode that’ll run for the first three weeks of the season, alongside a “new view” from the floating city of Olympus. Apex Legends: Defiance arrives on 8th February.